Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Types of Users in Linux

System Administrator

The System Administrator (SA) is primarily responsible for the smooth operation of the System.It is a SA s job to switch on the system console.(The machine on which the Operating System resides , also known as the server machine.) The SA also creates users and groups of users for the system and tasks backup to prevent loss of data due to system break down.In Linux the SA is also known as the root user. The SA has all the right for the Linux System.

File Owner

The User who creates a file is said to be the owner of that file.The owner of a file can perform any operation on that file coping , deleting ,editing.

Group Owner

Consider the following Situation.
a project team of 5 people from the Esoft Metro Campus is working on a software development project for a private detective agency. An analyst heads the team. The other four members are programmers.The team is working on a Linux System.Each programmers has been given a few programs to develop.the data provided by the detective agency is of a highly confidential nature.and so the data file has been created in the analyst's HOME directory. one programmer may have to link(join) a program to another programmers programming in order to test the program.
In this situation each programmer is the file owner of his or her own program files.Each program,how ever also belongs to  the other that they can use it for linking to the file or directly access the file. The Project team of five users is said to be the Group owner for the file . In Linux It is possible to define the users who will belongs to a group. a group of users are also given a name ,  just as a user is given a name.

Other Users

 In the example of the Esoft Metro Campus , all the users of the System who are not members of the project groups are referral to as other users for the  files of that group.Their Users are users who do not belongs to the particular group. For Example, the Users belongs to the finance department could be treated as other users for the payroll department.

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